We have created specialized programs that give our students all the necessary skills to make English their second language in all fields, having specially designed each program to achieve this goal in collaboration with special centers in England and the United States.
Teaching English in adult classroom settings becomes a fun and meaningful process with real use of language in the lives of our adult students, in their work, in their academic course and overall progress and all this through ultra-fast education that results in a formal graded certification knowledge and level of English, with excellent results which reinforce and support our award, methodology and educational philosophy.
We have been awarded by the Education Leaders Awards, an institution that has been established as the most important in education in order to upgrade the educational experience of both students and teachers. The awards involve and present educational activities and initiatives, which are evaluated and rewarded by the Jury, which is composed of teachers, experts, academics and representatives of educational institutions. Our award concerns the category: Innovation in Teaching as we have created and follow an innovative teaching method for learning English as a foreign language offering a new perspective and aura in foreign language education.